Months after a scientific poll showing most Americans won't wear Google Glass because of privacy concerns, Google [NASDAQ:GOOGL] has decided to close all of its four Basecamps, the physical retail shops where it sold Google Glass. Google Glass is now being called by many as “Google’s moonshot that missed”.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Google and Intel [NASDAQ:INTC] are working on the next Google Glass. The device will be powered by Intel 32-bit x86 Quark processor and SoFIA chipset, instead of TI OMAP ARM chip.
The next generation Google Glass is part of Google’s program, “Glass at Work”, in which Google wants to push their device into industries, such as health care, construction and manufacturing, where employees work with their hands but need information.
Good luck with that. It seems that the privacy concern in the new Glass hasn’t been addressed yet. Now comes another concern, even bigger. Someone might want to convince plant managers that it is a good idea to have their people running around the manufacturing floor with a recording device that can also broadcast to millions, directly via the internet.
Typically, U.S. companies do not permit video cameras and recording devices on their premises to prevent people from stealing their trade secrets and conducting industrial espionage. And now you will have, “Privacy & espionage concerns”.
Disclosure: No long or short positions in GOOGL and INTC. |