The S&P 500 tumbled 1.62% to close at 1,958.03 on Friday, down 0.15% for the week, as the U.S. Federal Reserve decided to hold off a rate hike and maintain their zero
The U.S. equity market got support earlier in the week as there was speculation that the People’s Bank of China
(PBoC) was considering additional stimulus and cuts to the ...
The S&P 500 plunged 5.27% to an intraday low of 1,867.01 on Monday, breaking down through the key technical support at 1,936 and the trendline support at 1,925, before bouncing
The S&P 500 and the broader U.S. equity markets began a three-day sell-off after the Federal Reserve released the minutes from the July 28-29 Federal Open Market
The S&P 500 plunged 0.78% on Monday and then bounced off the 200-day SMA to close at 2,067.64, following the Shanghai composite index’s 8.48% meltdown after reports said that